Main category, Business
Sub category, Applications
Developer, Planamesa Inc.
Filesize, 260096
Title, NeoOffice
➤ NeoOffice version 2017.16
If only a single document has this difficulty, try creating a new document, Copy/Paste the material into it, and see if the problem continues with the new document. There are plenty of reports of difficulty concerning documents which originated (or have been modified by) Microsnot's Excel, which can make a mess of the internal file structure. I don't remember if any reports described lengthy Save operations as a symptom. Even if it takes you ten minutes to Copy/Paste that may be less time than you'd spend on further research. Word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more Loads quickly 2.0 NeoOffice 1.2 Alpha CPU : Intel Processor Support for Mac Services
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for 10.11.6 (288706 KB)
sort of a clunky GUI Pocket Word Document Login using the e-mail address that you used when you made your last PayPal payment. by RusselB » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:30 pm NeoOffice is a complete office suite that's based on NeoOffice is my favorite version of OpenOffice. However, it is well worth checking out the LibreOffice, which continues to actually be free. In the future LibreOffice promises to have features beyond NeoOffice or the original OpenOffice project. LibreOffice has been extremely crash prone in the past but has gradually been improving with each new version. If you want a free alternative to MS Office or simply wish to test an OpenOffice project alternative, try LibreOffice first. High resolution text on Retina displays, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and Gatekeeper, Cocoa replaces Java[18] Text Encoded
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version 2017.18 NeoOffice LN2kgp 2017.12 Updated for iMac Pro
Ydq.11.4.3.MailSteward.pkg 13.5
Version for iMac 3.1.2