Ferme de Thury Narbéfontaine

Ferme de Thury Narbéfontaine

on jipPI-Number-Press-8.1.5.app how download

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Number Press, Praeter Software, Business, Applications, 23757 KB

◐ v.8.1.5 Number Press

Number Press is the perfect solution for printshops, organizations, clubs or any type of business that need to number their documents. Ideal for number forms, raffles, NCR, Slips, Multiple-Up or anything that needs to be numbered.
- Choose any font, style, alignment, size or color
- Place up to 128 Numbers anywhere on the page
- Repeat, skip, ascending or descending numbers
- Print and Number at the same time
- Includes an interactive graphical preview
- Include a Prefix, Suffix or leading zeros

10.13.5 Number_Press_vers_8.2.5_RfA.pkg (19718 kbytes)

on 10.13 version-8.4.5-number-press-b8hg.dmg (21143 kbytes)

Praeter Software
Site: http://www.numberpress.com

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