Main category, Utilities
Sub category, File Management
Developer, Erwin Bonsma
Filesize, 3174
Title, GrandPerspective
◇ GrandPerspective 2.2.1
A significant perk of DiskInventoryX having been around for ages is that it’s widely supported on much earlier versions of Mac OS X, so if you’re working on an older Mac with earlier system software, this may be the solution you’re looking for. 3. Review GrandPerspective 1.5.1 files or folders, click Complete Uninstall button and then click Yes in the pup-up dialog box to confirm GrandPerspective 1.5.1 removal. Gigabyte BIOS Live Update • Save images of views Various web sites have helped to get the word out about GrandPerspective. Thanks to all. Use one of the forums for GrandPerspective for other feedback
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on Sierra
for High Sierra
No doubt that uninstalling programs in Mac system has been much simpler than in Windows system. But it still may seem a little tedious and time-consuming for those OS X beginners to manually remove GrandPerspective 1.5.1 and totally clean out all its remnants. Why not try an easier and faster way to thoroughly remove it?
Soundflower Installs a kernel extension
brew cask install grandperspective
When you’re running a Macbook Air or Pro with an SSD in it, you’re probably concerned about space on your drive. You can easily sort files in the Finder by size to see what you might want to delete or at least put on an external drive, but sometimes it’s nicer to visualize your data in a different way.
VirtualBox. Although useful, this application is disgustingly invasive and installs its components all over the system: Installs kernel extensions
gource. Fantastic visualization for version control history.
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"With a quick glance at GrandPerspective, I was able to find nearly 9GB of virtual litter on my boot drive."
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