Ferme de Thury Narbéfontaine

Ferme de Thury Narbéfontaine

for iMac rule-based, automated file organization. where download

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Description: File Management Utilities File2Folder 2150 KB Nikolai Nagornyi


File2Folder allows sorting hundreds, or even thousands of files with a single click! Move, copy, or delete files according to your rules.
Every day or from time to time, depending on the style and particulars of your work, there may be a lot of files to be placed in folders or to be deleted. Manual sorting is a boring and tiresome task that requires perseverance and consumes a significant amount of time. Stop wasting your time! All you need to do is to create appropriate rules and start sorting. The rules that you will create will be saved, and the next time you want to put your Mac in order, all you will have to do is press a single button! You do not have to move, copy, or delete every single file manually.
- Moving files by the extension (file type);
- Copying files by the extension (file type);
- Deleting files by the extension (file type);
- Moving files by the name or part of the name;
- Copying files by the name or part of the name;
- Deleting files by the name or part of the name.

Updated OS X J9SLv_1.6_File2Folder.zip {1827 kbytes}

Recomended for MacOS File2Folder.1.5.En4NI.tar.gz {2451 kbytes}

MacOS 1LQP-FILE2FOLDER-VERS-2.3.DMG {2279 kbytes}

Nikolai Nagornyi

Torrent version key File2Folder

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Featured 10.11.6 Memeo_Share_version_3.1_z5kyA.dmg [10183 kb] 2.5

Best MacOS SBACKUP-VER-1.8-ALUXZ.DMG [3774 kb] 3.7

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Free WQJW VERSION 1.5 FILE2FOLDER 1.4 on Mac mini

Free GCJER VER. 1.7 FILE2FOLDER 1.4 10.14.1

Free File2Folder vers 1.6 1Teq 1.5 for 10.11.4

Software 2.3 File2Folder wIAccZ 1.7 10.11.4
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